Low Ticket Launch

✔️ What we'll cover:

  • Value Proposition and Offer: Find the perfect topic, title and price for your workshop so that it's easy to deliver and a no-brainer for your prospects.

  • Promotional Calendar: Gain a clear action plan for the few moving parts that needs to be built, including the promotional content calendar

  • Evergreen Strategy: How to leverage the workshop replay as an asset for future automatic sales or promotions.

  • Templates: Actual examples of posts, emails, landing pages for you to take as reference and model.

  • Access to the recording of the workshop and resources.

  • + Bonus 1: Extra Training on how to structure a 60-90min workshop that converts clients.

  • + Bonus 2: Extra Training on how to write a 7-day onboarding email sequence to convert free leads into paying customers.


During the workshop: You'll actively work on your low ticket workshop and plan your next client acquisition event.


 Guarantee: If at the end of the workshop you believe it's not worth $300, we'll give you a full refund.


$300 USD

WAIT: Need immediate 1:1 support? You can hire us for 1h of undivided attention, to help you in any part of your business. Investment: $2000