content creator's guide to never run out of ideas for social media, marketing and emails

The Idea Factory: A Content Creator's Guide to Never Run Out of Ideas

social media strategies

Are you affected by the blank canvas syndrome as a new content creator? 
Or have you been in the game for years, struggling as a long-time content creator, to find innovative insights for topics to keep attracting your ideal client?

Content creation is what keeps a business alive.


Navigate to where you want to go 

  1. How to overcome the blank-canvas syndrome as content creator and stay consistent
    1. The Creative Calendar: Finding Inspirations in the Power of Seasons
    2. Solutions in Stories: Solving your Audience Struggles Through Content
    3. Social Media Strategies to Nurture Long-Term Human Connections (algorithm proof)
    4. Life's Little Lessons: Transforming Daily Life into Content


We create YouTube videos, blogs, ticktock reels, Facebook and Instagram posts and live sessions to attract our ideal clients and to offer them the solution to the problem they are trying to fix. But there are days where we just sit in front of a page or stare at the camera and nothing, NOTHING comes out! 

I feel you!

an influencer on her video studio trying to come up with ideas for social media content

After creating more than 600 workouts for the Lazy Dancer Tips Youtube Channel, Lazy Dancer Studio Membership, and now for Profitable Talents, whenever I feel "empty" I go back to simple questions that can help me think outside the box.

As a dancer and artist at heart, I need to be inspired. 

When we are overwhelmed we often forget that inspiration can be triggered by very simple daily activities or particular times of the year we live every day.

This guide dives into practical strategies and actionable tips to help you unlock your creativity and keep your content vibrant and engaging.
Let’s make sure your business thrives through compelling storytelling and innovative ideas.

Let’s see where we can find inspiration from.



The Creative Calendar: Finding Inspirations in the Power of Seasons


In the ever-changing cycle of seasons, you can find a collection of super valuable inspiration waiting to be uncovered. 

Just as nature transitions from the chirping birds in spring to the stormy snow of winter, so can our content reflect these natural colorful rhythms. 

By tapping into the seasons, and yearly calendar, both literally and metaphorically, we can rejuvenate our creative process.
Try aligning your content with the flow of life's seasons, and checking what is happening during the year every month. 

This way we resonate more deeply with our audience's current experiences and emotions.

What events and celebrations can we use to find inspiration for our videos or blog posts?
Let's discover how the seasons can guide us to fresh ideas and new perspectives.

A colourful monthly planner to get ready to seasonal events and get inspiration for content creation


Grab the calendar and check what happens every month.
We know that Christmas, St. Valentine's Day, Black Cat Day or even Ballet World Day have a specific date. Pinpointing specific holidays can help us think and plan ahead of our audience.

I’m sure that in your niche there are topics your audience is more passionate about and wants to read/hear more of. They want to get closer to you by knowing how you deal in certain situations as well as being a little curious to discover a bit of your private life and experience.

Here below you’ll find questions to guide you in exploring the seasonal nuances of your audience's lives. This will help you craft content that resonates deeply and engages effectively with ‘your people’. I’m sure you can come up with something juicy like my Nutcracker Follow Along workouts, they all loved them for Xmas:


What emotions do people typically experience during each season? Consider how the changing seasons affect mood and activities, and how your content can reflect and cater to these shifts. What is your experience?

How do seasonal changes impact the daily lives of your audience? Think about adjustments in routines, activities, and priorities that occur with each season. Have you got any tips or tricks you can share?

What seasonal events and holidays does your audience celebrate? Identify not just the widely recognized holidays but also niche or industry-specific dates that matter to them. What do you do/deal-with during these celebrations?

What challenges does your audience face in different seasons? Each season comes with its own set of challenges, whether it's keeping fit in winter or managing work-life balance during the summer holidays. Do you have a guide to help them feel more at ease?

How can your products or services solve seasonal problems or enhance seasonal joys for your audience? Consider how what you offer can be positioned as a solution or enhancement to their experiences. 

What seasonal trends or topics are currently popular in your industry? Look at how industry conversations shift with the seasons and how you can contribute or innovate within those trends. Do you know a series of Dos and Don’ts based on these trends?

What personal stories or experiences do you have related to each season? Sharing personal anecdotes can humanize your brand and make your content more relatable.

What actionable tips or advice can you offer to help your audience navigate each season more enjoyably or successfully? Provide value by offering solutions, tips, and insights tailored to the seasonal context.


Many students in our Social Media Leads program have seen success by planning ahead. They use a tailored calendar that matches their content with what their audience needs and wants. This approach has led to increased sales of their digital products through their growing email list. 

Remember to use these questions to unlock a wealth of ideas that align with the rhythms of the year, so your content remains fresh, relevant, and engaging throughout each season. This approach not only helps in generating ideas but also in building a deeper connection with your audience by addressing their seasonal realities and expectations.



Actionable Tips:

  • Calendar Mapping: Start by mapping out the year with seasonal events, holidays, and niche-specific dates. Plan content that aligns with these occasions to stay relevant and timely.
  • Seasonal Brainstorming: Dedicate time each month or ideally each week, to brainstorm how upcoming seasons or holidays can influence your content. Think about what your audience might be experiencing or needing during these times.




Solutions in Stories: Solving your Audience Struggles Through Content


The number of times I read comments like "Please help me with my splits" or "how do I keep my leg above 90" or "can I improve my flexibility as an adult?” ...Well I've lost count! Despite having created hundreds of video tutorials about it, blogs and even courses, people still ask for the solution.

a woman writing down ideas for social media content on a notepad in front of her laptop

So what shall we do?

There are things your people struggle with and they always need help with, but it is also our duty to understand “what language they speak”. I’m not talking about Italian, English, German or French.

But what are they searching for?
What are the actual questions they need answered?
Can you create content to help people who see the world from a different point of view than yours?
Are there steps they need to take to achieve something specific? Is there a specific trick you’ve learned in your career because you had a physical limitation?

Maybe they are not searching
‘how to do the split’,
but instead
How can I move with more freedom and without pain when I carry my shopping up and down the stairs’.

That’s when you know that specific mobility and flexibility exercises can help a person live their everyday life with ease. Or they don’t know that to hold their leg above 90 in ballet is not just about being flexible but also you need incredible strength.

Remember the Why we create content in the first place: to connect with and provide solutions for our audience.

Understanding and addressing the struggles of your audience is the turning point of impactful content creation. By listening attentively to their challenges, we can craft content that speaks directly to their needs, sharing our experience on the matter while building a deeper relationship and establishing ourselves as trusted guides. 

I’ve written down questions you can ask your audience. Don’t be afraid to ask. You are there to serve them and offer solutions to their problems:


  1. What is the biggest challenge you're currently facing in [topic/area]?

  2. If you could improve one skill overnight, what would it be and why?

  3. What's one thing you wish you knew before starting [activity/learning process]?

  4. What part of [topic/subject] do you find most confusing or overwhelming?

  5. Can you share a recent [topic-related] goal you've set for yourself?

  6. How do you prefer to consume information about [topic]—videos, blogs, podcasts, or another format?

  7. What's one [topic-related] habit you're trying to build or break?

  8. Is there a particular problem or obstacle that's preventing you from reaching your [topic-related] goals?

  9. What kind of [topic-related] content do you feel is missing or underrepresented online?


Actionable Tips:

  • Be Social on Social Media: Regularly monitor and answer comments, forums, and groups to discover recurring questions or challenges your audience faces. Give Value and be helpful.
  • Content Tailoring: Develop content that directly addresses these struggles. Use clear, searchable terms that your audience might use to find solutions. Ask your audience questions in order to find new ideas for your content.




Social Media Strategies to Nurture Long-Term Human Connections (algorithm proof)


Social media is more than just a platform for sharing content; it's a vibrant community where authentic connections are forged.
I find Youtube to be my favorite by far. It’s not really a Social Media Platform, it’s a search engine that can give you powerful insights on the topic you are searching for.

Any platform, if used well can be a powerful tool that can spread your message, method and point of view across the world. As such you can create communities that will trust you based on the value you give out. By focusing on genuine interaction and community building, we can create a loyal following that is more engaged and invested in our content. .

In this video Iacopo and I talk about practical ways, type of content and content strategy to attract and help your ideal client



It focuses on strategies to boost client attraction through social media by emphasizing the importance of understanding and engaging with your audience:

  • Reframe the word algorithm to focus on becoming one with your audience, building trust and understanding.
  • Focus on the dreams of your ideal clients to attract them to your content and business.
  • Social media is not made for selling; it's about making people dream about what's possible for them.
  • The mindset is really important when creating content, especially regarding beliefs and personal stories.
  • Share stories with your audience to show them that their obstacles are irrelevant and it's possible to overcome them.
  • You don't need a million pieces of content to attract clients; focus on creating valuable and engaging content instead.



Actionable Tips:

  • Be Social on Social Media: Regularly monitor and answer comments, forums, and groups to discover recurring questions or challenges your audience faces. Give Value and be helpful.
  • Content Tailoring: Develop content that directly addresses these struggles. Use clear, searchable terms that your audience might use to find solutions. Ask your audience questions in order to find new ideas for your content.




Life's Little Lessons: Transforming Daily Life into Content


Often, the most profound inspiration is found in the ordinary moments of our daily lives. I’m sure you can see the beauty and potential of the mundane, and I encourage you to view your everyday experiences through a lens of curiosity and wonder.

From the simplicity of a morning routine to the unexpected lessons learned through daily challenges, our lives are rich with stories waiting to be told. Let’s explore how to gather these everyday moments for golden nuggets of content that resonate with authenticity and relatability.

Just because you think your stories and your life are not interesting enough, it doesn’t mean that others will not be interested in what you do. There might be lessons and dreams in your everyday life that people are aspiring to achieve and learn from you.

And if you, at any time, feel overwhelmed with content creation or managing your online business, here's some techniques you can use to re harmonize your work-life balance

a collage of three images representing inspiration taken from common daily activities like yoga, work or a walk in a natural park

Don't take your daily routine for granted!

  • Are you a planner and like to organize your day in a specific way? 
  • Do you interact with your team in a specific way and it helps everyone in the business thrive? 
  • Do you use specific moisturizing creams because you research specific ingredients that are better for your skin? 
  • Is there a specific foot massage that, as a former athlete, you still do because it has specific benefits on your body? 
  • Do you coordinate your outfit based on your mood or place you have to go? 
  • Do you wake up at a certain time in the morning and do the same 4 breathing exercises because they help you concentrate better during the day?


Whatever it is, nothing in your daily routine should be taken for granted. Have a look at these questions and see if you can extrapolate something simple from you life that your audience will benefit from:



  1. What's one routine in my day that feels ordinary but could be valuable to someone else?"

  2. How has a recent challenge or mistake taught me a lesson that others could benefit from?

  3. What's a small joy in my day that others might overlook?

  4. Is there a habit or practice I've developed over time that contributes to my well-being or success?

  5. What's a unique skill or knowledge I possess that I consider 'ordinary' but could actually intrigue or help others?

  6. How do I overcome moments of procrastination or lack of motivation?

  7. What's a conversation I had recently that changed my perspective or taught me something new?

  8. How do I adapt my routine or environment to boost my creativity or productivity?

  9. What's a seemingly insignificant part of my day that actually has a big impact on my mood or performance?

  10. How do I make decisions about what to prioritize or delegate in my day?



Actionable Tips:

  • Document Your Routine: Keep a journal or notes about your daily activities, routines, and thoughts. Look for inspiration in the mundane aspects of your life.
  • Share Your Story: Turn your everyday experiences into relatable content. Whether it's a morning routine, a special recipe, or a productivity hack, your personal touch can make ordinary insights extraordinary.
  • Challenge Reflection: Reflect on personal challenges you've overcome or are currently facing. Share these stories to inspire and connect with your audience.
  • Solution Sharing: Offer practical advice, steps, or tips that helped you overcome these challenges. This approach not only humanizes you but also provides tangible value to your followers.



Content creation is an ongoing journey of exploration and creativity. By tapping into the seasons, addressing your audience's struggles, finding inspiration in the everyday, engaging authentically on social media, and transforming personal challenges into relatable content, you can continuously fuel your creative engine. Remember, the key to endless inspiration lies in observing, listening, and connecting—turning every moment into an opportunity to inspire and be inspired.

Enjoy your journey as a content creator.


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